Welcome to the Valley Mills Public Library Catalog!
. Dec. 5, 2024- ANNOUNCEMENT! We now have an online genealogical database of over 800 genealogical books published by the Genealogical Publishing Co. of Baltimore, MD for use at the library! - The library will be closed all Christmas week, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day for the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all ------ CHILDREN'S BOOKS through the Pilcrow Foundation's matching grant still on display and for check-out / LIBRARY HOURS - Opening at 11:00 Tuesday _ Friday We will close for lunch at 12:00 - 1:00 -- then open til 5:00 on Tues - Thursday - close at 4:00 on Friday ; Saturdays open from 10:30 - 1:30 . - Toddlers or pre-school on Thursday mornings at 11:00 . The book club "Moms of the Valley" for young women organized by Perla McMullen of the library board will be on every third Sunday of the month at 6:00 p.m. / For a library card adults need to bring driver's license and a utility bill, or car insurance if they do not have a utility bill, during regular hours. Library phone # is 254-932-6370 /------ The library is at 405 5th Street; the park is behind the library! A caboose is on the other side of the library in the park. ---. Also, you may access e-books on the Central Texas Digital Consortium at Libby.com You must have a current card and download the Libby app onto your digital device to access the books. --. -- -- Kathleen Hale, Librarian
Electronic Resources
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Libby Login Needed In-Library Use Only Access the library’s digital collection of eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, and magazines through OverDrive or Libby. |
Learning Express Login Needed In-Library Use Only New version! Review skills and prepare for tests. |